RSS Reader

RSS Reader

Make sure you get all updates and news from your favorite websites everyday. Zoomsphere RSS Reader automatically shows you all published content in a feed. The only thing you need to do is choose from where it will be.

RSS Reader
RSS Reader

Time Saver

There is no need for you to lose time with checking all of your favorite websites to see the news and articles you are interested in. Let the RSS Reader do all of the work for you. Besides that, you won't miss a single update, guaranteed.

Start a 14 days free trial
RSS Reader

Customized News Feed

Going through content online and finding your interests is demanding. In the RSS Reader, include only those pages, blogs or mediums you really want to see. Make your own information center.

Start a 14 days free trial
RSS Reader

Share and Discuss with Others

Do you want to share an article with your colleagues right away? No problem, start a discussion about it by leaving a comment. The content won't get lost and you can start processing it further as needed.

Start a 14 days free trial

All features

  • Fully automated web feed
  • Access to websites data
  • Unlimited number of users
  • Unlimited number of connected URLs
  • Commenting and sharing of the results


VAT is not included in price